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Image by Anastasiia Chepinska

Midwifery Services

Midwifery care that honors a mother's intuition regarding the needs of herself and her baby throughout pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum
Shayleen Sammons with a expectant mother checking her blood pressure in her office, located in columbia south carolina.
Prenatal Care:

All routine prenatal visits take place in the midwife's office. Prenatal care includes an initial comprehensive health history and physical exam, with subsequent appointments scheduled throughout the pregnancy.

  • Comprehensive health and wellness assessment: including vitals, nutrition counseling, activity/exercise/sleep habits, and emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

  • Baby assessment: heart rate monitoring, fetal growth, movements, and position evaluation.

  • Basic prenatal laboratory tests are drawn in office.

  • Each visit lasts approximately 1 hour.

  • Appointment frequency: once a month until 28 weeks, every two weeks until 36 weeks, then once a week until birth or 42 weeks, whichever comes first.

Labor & Birth Care:

Attentive monitoring of mother and baby throughout labor and birth. Individualized emotional and physical labor support and watchful care during the transition of mother and baby after the birth.

  • Labor and birth monitoring and support: vitals, listening and assessing baby's heart rate with a Doppler, encouraging position changes in labor, and intuitive pushing positions.

  • Transition after birth: optimal cord clamping, physiologic birth of the placenta, mother/baby bonding and breastfeeding, breastfeeding help/support, skin-to-skin golden hour.

  • Newborn care: complete newborn exam after the 'golden hour.'
    Mother and baby are never separated.

  • Midwifery stays for a minimum of 2 hours after the birth.

A newborn child looking at his mother while being held in a birthing pool.
A newborn baby pressed against her mothers chest soon after birth
Postpartum Care:

Postpartum visits are scheduled at specific intervals after birth and include comprehensive physical assessments of both the mother and baby and referrals for additional support and resources as needed. 

  • Postpartum visit schedule: 24-36 hours, 3-5 days, 10-14 days postpartum, with a final visit around 6 weeks. Additional visits as needed.

  • First postpartum visit: comprehensive health and wellness assessment of mom and baby including vitals, feeding, sleep patterns, review of normal postpartum symptoms, and newborn screening.

  • Subsequent visits: health assessments for mom and baby, breastfeeding support, addressing specific concerns, and postpartum mood disorder screen and support.

  • 6-week visit: birth review, health assessments, family planning, and referrals as needed.

Talk With Shayleen

Click the button below to talk with Shayleen and see if home birth with her as your midwife is the right choice for you! Don't hesitate to contact us as dates need to be planned ahead!

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